What idea has saved the most lives?

 In the 19th century, there had been quite a few shipwrecks around New Zealand, killing any number of people.

If they managed to escape to some remote sub-Antarctic islands, they froze or starved to death there.

Therefore, the New Zealand government began to build huts for such castaways.

Firewood, food rations, warm clothing, fishing rods, medicines and matches were also stored there.

Twice a year they visited the small islands to check on the situation.

There was also a written notice on the supplies. It was supposed to discourage thieves from simply taking them.

It said.

"The curse of the widow and the fatherless man is on the man who breaks open this box while he has a ship at his back."

In the 1920s, radio technology improved. One stopped the project after and after.

But in 1908, there was a case of 22 men from a French ship stranded in the Antipodes Islands after being shipwrecked.

The supplies helped them to survive until a ship passed by to which they could signal.


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